Ok, Chill… Well, For One Day At Least: Introducing ‘Stress Down Day 2021’

July 23, 2021

Matthew Simons - BPsych (Hons)

Let's recognise Stress Down Day 2021 – a bit of easy fun to spend a few minutes focussing on workplace stress and a good opportunity to raise money for Lifeline.

More than just ‘a good cause’, Stress Down Day is an initiative to promote happiness, reduce stress and to encourage help-seeking behaviours for those feeling unhealthy stress and anxiety. 

So, get the office or workshop organised and get involved: all funds raised for Lifeline go towards increasing the number of volunteers helping Australians in crisis.

We all recognise that many Australians work too hard – our working day is among the longest compared to similar economies – and that many of us feel the effects of workplace stress (whatever the cause). 

We also know that, whether from prolonged hours, excessive work pressures, from workplace trauma or problems with workplace culture, stress follows us home, into our rest time, and into the lives of our families.

This year, why not utilise the campaign to get your workplace to “stress down” – to identify some of the stress points at work, and do something about it – and, at the same time, raise a little money for Lifeline. 

You could host a trivia competition in the workplace, organise a meditation class or perhaps a ‘gold coin’ out-of-uniform day (every little bit counts). 

We could all do with a little less stress in our lives. So, get the troops on board; let’s utilise the day to get behind the campaign and make a donation to a great cause. To find out more, contact your local Lifeline centre and donate: https://www.lifeline.org.au/about/location-finder/

If this information raised any concerns for you, please do speak to your GP, they can help you back to good health, or call a helpline: LIFELINE 13 11 14 or BeyondBlue 1300 22 4636.

Article by
Matthew Simons - BPsych (Hons)